
Op-Ed: The Invisible Hand’s New Currency: Crypto & Economic Freedom

We can’t be 100% sure, but we don’t think central bankers take mob violence into account when making their economic models. Unfortunately, there is a lot of it going around. People are unhappy for many reasons.

Adam Smith was an early economist. His idea of an invisible hand is popular, but it has a wider meaning in social structures than many realize.

Humans are fundamentally free – but they don’t understand that is the case.

Social groups can create whatever they like, and are mostly limited by the resources they have access to. Energy also plays a role. Bitcoin and cryptos came along, and became popular at a unique point in history.

One could argue that the invisible hand created cryptos, and its work hasn’t ended.

We plan to argue that very position!

It’s A Good Sign You Can Read This

The struggle for freedom isn’t new.

Humans try to take power over each other all the time. In fact, somewhat free social structures are new. A few hundred years ago, there is a very good chance you would not be allowed to read our work – and the author would have been killed by a government a long time ago.

Today – you can read our work freely from your smartphone almost anywhere in the world!

It is all about the free flow of information. We live in a time when information can flow globally in a few seconds. Money is just data – but it is one of the most powerful kinds of data out there.

After a few years of poor economic policies, the world is in rough shape. People don’t understand why things are falling apart. They just know prices are high, work is hard to get, and the political class doesn’t care about them at all.

Taking matters into your own hands is a great idea – but is has to be constructive!

Value Will Overcome Stupidity

Imagine there are two trains…

The first train can travel 100 miles in 5 seconds, and costs $1 to ride. You can take as much baggage as you like with you on the first train, no questions asked.

The second train takes 14 days to go the same 100 miles, and it costs $450 to ride!

If you try and bring more than 2 pounds of luggage with you on the second train, the police will investigate you, and assume you are guilty of something (you have to prove the baggage is both legal and yours).

Which train would you use?

Right now, most people ride the second train. Decentralization gives you access to the first train, and with platforms like Tron, you can move huge amounts of value globally in a few minutes for negligible costs.

If you want to use the Western financial system (train number 2) – get ready for fun times. The costs are magnitudes higher. SWIFT is SLOW. There is no transparency. If you want to move more than a few thousand USD, get ready to be treated like a criminal.

No smart person would use the second train unless they absolutely had to. And that is exactly what the neo-feudal controller class wants for the entire world. The controller class wants to lock you into using the second train forever.

You Can’t Negotiate With A Tyrant

Positive change for the masses will not come from within the system.

There isn’t going to be some kind of banking cabal reform movement. Help isn’t coming. Sky dad isn’t up there waiting until things get bad to help his kids – but the banking cartel would like you to stay complacent – and keep using their junk technology.

People will put up with a huge amount of pain when it comes to money. We simply don’t understand why people are money masochists. Look at the 2016 banknote demonetisation in India as a recent example.

In 2016 the Modi government demonetized a huge amount of paper money by decree – leaving potentially hundreds of millions of people in a lurch. People were left spinning as their cash savings became effectively worthless on the street, and they had to deposit the bills quickly at approved banks.

The masses in India just accepted the political decree by Modi – without thinking about where the power of money comes from. The banks and governments don’t create the value money holds and transmits – the people at-large do.

Until the wider population understands that they never possess the value money represents – even when they have paper money – they will be at the mercy of a tyrannical system. When the money is digital the situation is even worse. You have to prove the value is yours, and the system is not on your side.

The situation in the centralized monetary system will not improve going forward – it will degenerate into absurdity of the most evil kind.

The Losing Value Game

Debasing money was kinda hard back in the day. The people who had money didn’t trust their governments – so metal seemed like a good way to go. Metal money can be debased, but it takes time and infrastructure.

Today – it’s easy to debase money. Everyone is in on it. Think about this – the Argentine Peso is losing value at an alarming rate – compared to the US Dollar!

Fiat money is a scam. Governments know it. The central banks know it too. But the people in the street keep lining up to get f&$%ed.

It should be extremely clear that our economic system destroys value on a global scale. It can’t last.

The mobs in the street over the past decade know something is wrong. As fiat currency buying power circles the drain, and assets (for the 1%) are rendered worthless (see commercial real estate), people are going to snap.

Massive Failure = Opportunity

The invisible hand likes to slap markets awake. Going forward, the invisible hand of the market may continue to take the form of angry mobs burning and looting failing cities.

Unfortunately, destroying a society won’t help it prosper. The anger in the streets is understandable, but misplaced. Instead of turning to blind anger, the masses need to understand the power of decentralization.

We have systems now that allow us to interact with value from almost anywhere on the planet. We no longer need to use the second train – the first one is open to all.

The smart move today is using legacy systems only when absolutely necessary, and teaching others how to use decentralized systems – like cryptos. In time, people will wake up to the fact that cryptos are better money.

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