
How UK investors can slow the scale and spread of global deforestation

UK financial services companies and advised clients can be at the forefront of change to reduce the devastation caused by wide-scale, and often illegal, deforestation around the globe.

This episode of the FT Adviser Editor’s Podcast examines the problem of deforestation, specifically the devastation it causes in terms of loss of biodiversity, food security, and soil erosion.

The UK is the third-largest investor in forest-risk companies, those with high levels of tropical deforestation within their footprint, according to Louise Heffernan, who leads the finance and investor work at The Nature Conservancy.

This is “across the suite” of financial companies, especially banks, which have a “really huge exposure” to these companies.

But there are ways that financial services companies and your investing clients can help to provide and support those solutions, according to Heffernan. To listen to the podcast, click on the link above.

The podcast also features a short report from Tinuke Akinbulumo, who has been interning with FT Adviser as she completes her masters in journalism.

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