
Fund roundup: new fund launches, fee structures, and terminations announced

The series is available as Series AP and FP, with Series FP having a 0 percent management fee. CI GAM has set a $1bn asset cap for the Performance Series, after which new investments will be restricted.

AGF Investments launched AGF Enhanced US Income Plus Fund, an alternative mutual fund that seeks long-term capital appreciation and consistent income by investing in US equities and using options strategies like put writing and covered call writing.

The fund may use leverage and aims to provide enhanced monthly income. It is available in CAD and USD across multiple series.

SLGI Asset Management is closing select mutual fund series, including Sun Life JPMorgan International Equity Fund, Sun Life Multi-Strategy Bond Fund, and Sun Life Nuveen Flexible Income Fund.

Effective immediately, these series are no longer available for new purchases or switches, and they will be terminated on May 2. Series I of each fund will remain open for eligible purchasers.

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